Every day all you can hear is protein this, protein that. Everyone seems to be drinking those for many ....disgusting shakes. So what's the big deal with protein?
Here is some guidance on how to navigate your protein consumption :
Everyone should have protein in their diets. It is crucial food group to help you to build and repair muscles and bones and to make hormones and enzymes.
If you are an average Joe who doesn't workout you will probably get enough from your diet.
If your goal is to :
- Lose weight
- Put muscle on
- Recover from running or any other training activity ....
Then you should be looking to supplementing protein as part of your diet.
I wont be going into the whole how many grams per day but all I am going to say is
have some protein with every meal.
If you are vegetarian or vegan , it might be more difficult to do so because meat has higher content of protein in with comparison to lentils or chickpea.
Supplementing your diet with shakes , yoghurts or protein bars is your best option.
How does protein help with weight loss?
It will keep you fuller for longer (drastically reduces cravings)
It helps you to recover after your training
You will burn more calories digesting protein in comparison to carbs and fats.
In short, if your goal is to lose weight , get that protein in you. It is simply one of the fist things I tell my clients to focus on.
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