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Easy food swaps to reduce your sugar intake

The western diet is full to the brim of processed foods, mainly made with large amounts of sugar and salt. Although this is okay in moderation, it is vital that we consume less sugary foods and opt for a healthier diet to maintain good health.

Instead of cutting these foods and drinks completely out of our diet, we can make substitutions instead. Here are a few easy food ways to reduce your sugar intake:

Flavored water

Sugary drinks are one of the main culprits when it comes to added sugar in the diet. And the worst thing about it? They hardly provide any nutritional value. Although it would be great to cut them completely out of your diet, this is not always viable. So first things first, try reducing the amount of sugary drinks you consume.

Next, why not swap them out for flavoured water. Try infusing plain or soda water with fruit of your choice. Then you can use the fruit as a snack afterwards!

Add veg to your smoothie

Smoothies are a fantastic way of packing vitamins and nutrients into your diet. However, that can come with the cost of lots of sugar from the surplus fruit.

This problem can easily be solved though. Instead of throwing several pieces of fruit into your smoothie, swap a few out for vegetables. This way you’ll be getting plenty of nutrients, without the added sugar. Some great vegetables to add to your smoothie include:

  • Spinach

  • Kale

  • Carrots

  • Celery

Make your own condiments

Unfortunately, although it might seem like the healthier option choosing salad over other meals, often pre-made salads are drenched with condiments high in sugar and salt. The same goes for the condiments we have in our fridge. In moderation they are fine, but it is too easy to cover our food in them, which can add calories and increase sugar levels.

Why not try creating your own condiments. There are plenty of resources and recipes online to make homemade variations of your own sauces. Not only will it taste good, but you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that it’s come from your hard work.

Choose savory snacks

Often we pick up a chocolate bar or something jam packed with sugar to keep hunger levels at bay in-between meals. Although it may taste good, these sugar spikes won’t leave you feeling full and can also have a detrimental impact on your blood sugar levels if they happen too frequently.

Instead of choosing chocolate, sweets and sugary snacks, why not swap them out for:

  • Fruit

  • Nuts

  • Sugar free yoghurt

  • Vegetables

  • Nut butters

Next time you’re doing your food shop, consider some of these easy food swaps to reduce your sugar intake. Not only will you be reducing the amount of refined sugar in your diet, it will also allow you to be more transparent about exactly what goes into your food.

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