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Looking for a fitness class? Here’s the low down on classes

Gym classes are a great way to try new routines, meet new people and it can keep you motivated on your fitness journey.

Whether you want to mix it up from your weight training or just looking to try something a little bit different then I’ve got a great list of classes to try as well as their pros and things to consider before you hit enrol!

Yoga & Pilates

There are so many benefits for exercises that focus on a mind and body connection like yoga and Pilates. You can start your practice with a mat and towel and as you progress you can introduce equipment like blocks, balls and weights.

Overall I think you should always try and fit in a yoga or Pilates class at least once a week to help reduce your stress levels, improve your wellbeing and take some time away from your screen.


  • Body and mind connection: Hitting a mat and having minimal equipment and leaving your phone in your locker or bag is a great way of taking time and listening to your body without any distractions.

  • Improves body strength: You’ll be surprised at how much your strength can develop just by using bodyweight exercises.

  • Reduces stress: Pilates and yoga is often accompanied by meditation to help reduce your stress levels and overall well being.

  • Improves flexibility: You may find yourself to be a little stiff in your first downward dogs, but after a few sessions you will see those tight hamstrings become a little less tight.

  • Improves posture: These practices help you work muscles in isolation and helps you achieve body alignment which overall helps your posture.

Things you should consider before you hit the mat

  • Class size: If you’re going to a studio make note of the class capacity. An ideal class size is 12-15 but some studios have a capacity of up to 30, meaning you may not get the instructor’s full attention which can be off putting if you’re a newbie.

  • Class price: Prices for yoga and classes in a city centre like Manchester or London can average at £15-£20, You can always look to see if there are any classes similar on your gym’s timetable. If not, maybe put this forward to the gym manager? Gym’s are always open to hear member feedback so don’t be shy!

  • Ability and levels: Make sure you look up the class ability in the description. If you’re a newbie then look for ‘beginners’ or ‘’mixed’ levels in the class description as you don’t want to be scared off in your first session.

  • Instructors: Like most classes mentioned in this blog, not all instructors are the same. You may favour one instructor more than the other and that’s fine. So make sure you make a note of your favourite instructors and keep a lookout for their names on the class timetable.


HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training (you can see why they shortened it now). This basically means intense power exercise like squat jumps, burpees and jumping lunges to help increase your heart rate.

Did you giveJoe Wicks’ HIIT workouts a try onYouTube in lockdown? Well, who didn't? A lot of people can do HIIT classes within 15-20 minutes so if you want to give it a sample before signing up to a class then I recommend giving them a go.


  • You will sweat: burpees will either become your worst enemy or your best friend! High impact moves like this will have your heart rate increased and the sweat will be on.

  • You will burn fat after your workout: it has been said and researched that working in short bursts of high intensity helps you burn fat throughout the rest of your day.

  • Improves strength and stamina: If you want to improve your fitness levels then HIIT is a great way to work on strength alongside stamina. I'd recommend keeping a fitness journal and logging how you felt after your first class versus how you feel after five, ten, twenty etc classes.

  • Improves heart health: These high impact moves will get your blood pumping and your heart rate up which will help reduce the chance of obesity and heart disease.

  • Affordable: a lot of gyms offer HIIT classes on their timetable, you might find them under 'circuits' or Tabata too which are fairly similar to HIIT.

Things to consider before you hit the HIIT:

  • Small risk to injury: as you ramp up the jump squats and burpees, there is an increased risk to injury if you land incorrectly. To help reduce injury I suggest working on your form and technique and wearing appropriate footwear.

  • Pace of classes: HIIT classes aren’t easy going. With that comes really intense club music which really picks up the pace. If you’re someone who struggles with coordination and pace then perhaps this class type might not be for you.

  • Instructor’s time is limited: time is key for instructors in HIIT classes. They might be watching the stopwatch more so than their participant’s form. If you feel a pain or ache when doing exercise then you should always inform the instructor and sit the class out.

Spin Classes

Probably the only time you will ever find my ass on a bike is in a spin class. Spin classes are usually done in a funky studio with LED lighting and away from the gym floor in a separate studio.


  • Burns fat: It depends on how fast you ride but a 45 minute class is said to burn up to 500 calories.

  • Contributes to a healthy heart: As spin classes are a cardio exercise it’s a great way to improve your heart health.

  • It’s fun: Spin classes are also quite enjoyable (playlist dependent too!) and are something a little bit different to your typical workout. You’ll be surprised how much you can do on one bike!

  • Motivational: A lot of the time the instructors will give you a guideline of how hard you should be working with a number for your measurement of speed (RPM / revolutions per minute).

  • You can choose your own level: No one but yourself will know what level your working at which helps relieve a little bit of pressure.

Things to consider

  • Accessibility: Not all gyms or locations come with a spin studio so finding a spin class might prove to be difficult.

  • Comfort: Saddle soreness is a thing. Bike seats aren’t exactly the most comfortable of things so you might experience some discomfort after your first couple of classes.

  • Improper form: As mentioned in a couple of other classes above, failure to get your technique right can cause discomfort or even injury. When we cycle we tend to hunch our backs so be mindful of this and always ask the instructor for help if you’re unsure how to perform a certain exercise.

  • Cost: As spin classes aren’t easy to find they come at a higher cost. Don’t be afraid to seek out a free class though. If you really want to try this then feel free to contact the studio and ask for a free class as a taste. They need members just as much as you need them!

Boxing / Combat Classes

Loved by supermodels like Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner, a boxing workout or combat class will have you hitting the pads. It's a little bit different to any of the classes listed in this blog as it focuses on discipline.

  • improves heart health and helps with fat loss: you won't be expecting to stay still for more than five seconds in a boxing or body combat class. Moving fast will help you raise your heart rate and burn fat.

  • Relieves stress: If you're someone who holds tension then a combat class may combat your stress levels. It's a great way to turn your attention from you work phone to yourself for 60 minutes!

  • Improves coordination: From a left hook to a uppercut you'll be twisting and turning and a boxing class is almost like coordination in itself.

Things you should consider

  • Equipment: The higher end boxing classes that have punch bags will require you to bring your own boxing gloves or renting out some boxing gloves which will add an extra cost.

  • Class participation: Boxing classes are a little bit different to the rest of the class mentioned above in the blog. When you're turned away from other class members and facing a punching bag you can lack that social aspect.

  • Risk of injury: If you're hitting the bags there's a small chance you could cause an injury to your hand if you're technique is wrong.

Step / Aerobics / Zumba

If you fancy a little boogie to your favourite ABBA anthem then why not give an aerobics class a try like Step or Zumba? It's a great way to burn off those calories!


  • No equipment or minimal equipment required: all you really need is a comfy pair of shoes to partake in an aerobics class.

  • It's sociable: Classes like Zumba are great for you and your friends. Everyone loves a boogie, right? So swap your Friday night visits at the wine bar for the dane studio. If you're going solo then this is a perfect opportunity to make friends!

  • You'll get sweaty and have fun: if you thought sweat and fun could never be in the same sentence then you can think again! All of that cardio exercise will have your heart rate up and the sweat will come...all while you're twerking to a Shakira anthem!

Things you should consider when you rock up on the dance floor

  • Choreography: These classes come with an amazing playlist and this comes with a complex routine. If choreography and coordination isn't your best friend then make sure you're taking beginners classes to avoid you twirling into your neighbour!

  • Hard to track progression: As these classes don't really focus on muscle strength, it can be hard to take note of any progression, I'd advise looking at the clock in your sessions and take a note of where you start to feel exhausted. You'll probably notice that 15 minutes in your first session could be more tiresome than your first 15 minutes in your seventh class!

I hope this has given you a little bit insight on these popular classes and what you should take into account before signing up. Just remember a lot of the time there's trial and error to these classes so make sure you give them a go a couple of times before deciding it's not for you.

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