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Writer's pictureDominika Luckova

Results start in your shopping trolley!

Isn't it pretty amazing that within a short distance of our homes we can go out and grab food? Whether this is a local convenience store, a fruit and veg market or a supermarket we won't be going hungry for long.

I just wanted to share with you a quick run down on how we view our food shopping habits to help us get the results we want as doing this incorrectly could have a huge influence on your progress.

Preparation is key

There's nothing better than preparing your meals for the week ahead. By doing this you don't need to worry about impulsive decisions on your meals that could have an impact on your progress. I'd suggest your prep your meals ahead of the week on a Sunday, regardless of whether or not your working from home, in the office or on the go. Tupperware will become your best friend.

Follow the traffic light system on food labels

In the UK, all pre packed food requires a food label that displays certain information and details about what is in your food. The majority of these are displayed at the front of the package and looks like something in the below. It is broken down into

- Calories per portion or per X amount of grams (make sure you're checking calories per portion - on the surface one portion might not be a lot of calories but make sure you track

- Fat

- Saturated Fat (Be careful of this one when it turns red!)

- Sugars (This tends to be high when products boast 'low fat')

- Salt (Be mindful of this)

Image source: NHS

As you can see in the diagram above, the colours range from green to red. Familiarise yourself with these labels so you know what you're putting in your body and your trolley.

Don't be fooled by salads!

If you're not prepping your food and grab a salad for lunch, don't be fooled by the word salad. Some side salads can have very few calories but a lot of pre-packed salads you find in the meal deal section can be notorious in calories as they can use full fat salad dressings.

Change the way you view vegetables

Influencers can try to sell you 'hunger busting pills' or 'appetite suppressants' or 'whatever-is-in-this meal replacement shake' but nothing can outsmart a diet filled with fruit and vegetables.

Vegetables are great and extremely versatile. You don't need to pile vegetables on your plate but spread them out during the day and incorporate veggies for snacks. Kale chips are great - it's kale put in the oven 200 degrees 15-20 minutes and salt and pepper sprinkled on equals a perfect snack. Peppers and carrots are great too teamed up with some hummus.

Newsflash: limited time only isn't limited time only

This can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Bright red signs on chocolate bars shouting price cuts can really sway your attention or 'limited time only' that's a good one. Well, they're lying. Chocolate bars and offers on cakes will be there all year round so don't be fooled by their promotions.

Choose smart swaps

A classic burger, sesame bun, full fat minced beef burger, full fat cheese and fries of the side...and while we're at it probably a sugary soft drink too.

So, ask yourself what can you swap out in your burger so you can still have a burger.

The bun can be replaced with a portobello mushroom to get some extra vegetables in your diet or you can replace a sesame bun with a wholemeal bun.

A lot of supermarkets have lower fat burgers or sometimes called 'skinny burgers' so make sure you're opting for them rather than full fat meats. Same with the cheese, go for low fat or those that are full in protein.

And the others aren't even in question. Fries can be swapped for a side salad or some boiled baby potatoes to minimise saturated fat intake.

If you're desperate for a soft drink go for low sugars...your waistline will thank me later!

What my typical shopping trolley looks like:

- Oats / porridge oats

- Greek yogurt

- Berries like blueberries or raspberries

- Lean meats like chicken breasts, turkey mince or beef mince

- Green veg: spinach, leafy greens, broccoli and kale

- Eggs

- Sweet potatoes

- Rice

- Low calories snacks like low calories jelly or a bag of nuts that I can weight out

- Cottage cheese or quark or another low fat soft cheese

- Peppers (for cooking and snacking!)

If you need anymore help with doing your weekly food shop don't hesitate to contact me :)

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