You may read this blog post and think 'what, I can't snack?'. Yes you can snack, if it's in your calorie intake and it's a snack that won't make you gain weight, then snack smart. This blog post will cover the below topics on how to get the most of your meals,
How to fill your plate up with foods that will keep you full for longer
Bad habits that could be contributing to you not feeling full
A quick guide on what snacks are and aren't going to damage your progress
Tips on how to avoid temptation
Filling your plate up with the right foods
It's probably no surprise that I'm going to tell you to pile your plate with leafy green vegetables. What I love about vegetables on the side of my plate is that you can be extremely versatile with them to stop them becoming bland and boring. Kale for example, can taste great in stir fries to help bulk out your dish or a great side of greens with some salt and pepper to season...and a pinch of chilli flakes if you like the heat.
Avoid doubling up on pastas and rices, a portion of pasta and rice is said to be the size of an adults fist so be cautious when you're weighing these up...and no cheating, measure your carbs and grains when they're cooked not while they're dry!
If your stomach starts to grumble have a look at your protein portion on your plate. Are you getting enough? Take breakfast, we often think of breakfasts of sugary cereals. Why not start the day off with a protein rich breakfast such as scrambled eggs, protein powder in your porridge or in your breakfast smoothie? By foods rich in protein in your meals may help keep you fuller for longer.
Okay, so I've added extra protein, now what? I'm still hungry by 10am!
You're diet is as clean as Mrs Hinch's home yet why are you still wanting to grab a packet of crisps first thing after breakfast. Let's take a look at some habits that could be influencing your appetite.
Not drinking enough water throughout the day. If you feel like you need to grab a snack, why not have a glass of water beforehand. It's good to have a glass of water within eyesight at all times so you can sip and hydrate throughout the day.
Poor focus at meal times could be a contribution of why you're feeling full. Give yourself a proper break away from your computer screen when you have your lunch - so it feels like you're giving yourself a meal.
Prepare your meals ahead rather than panic buying and buying a meal deal or ready meal for your lunch or dinner. You'll look more forward to your meals and you can measure your macros and calories. If you're a stationary lover like myself, there's some great weekly meal planners at a really affordable price from retailers such as Wilko, Primark and ASDA.
Sneaky snacks to avoid
You would all be messaging me on Instagram asking if I was feeling okay if I said chocolate bars were a good snack!
It is so easy to fall for snacks that may appear healthy on the outside but when you have a closer look at their contents they aren't all what it seems. Cereal bars shout about protein content and low fat - when actually they're full of refined sugars with actually very little content that is protein. Swap a protein bar for a piece of fresh fruit or a high protein yogurt like greek yogurt.
Peanut butter and almond butters and other nut butters are great on low calories rice cakes or a wholemeal slice of bread - but they are really high in calories and fat content so make sure you're monitoring this. If you love the taste of peanut butter maybe opt for a peanut butter flavoured protein powder (there's so many flavours to choose from for protein powders nowadays!) or powdered peanut butter.
Fruit juices such as fresh orange or apple juice may be one of your 5 a day and have great benefits in them, but they may not keep you as full as if you were to eat an apple or sit and peel an orange and then eat it.
Snacking is all about smart swaps so constantly ask yourself are you making the best choice.
How to avoid temptation...oh but that donut looks so good!
If I could bottle up will power and charge for it I would most certainly be writing this from my Beverley Hills mansion. Unfortunately, will power is most certainly a mental challenge.
Keep motivated, by working hard at the gym and sticking to a routine will make you more inclined to say no to sugary snacks like the biscuit tin at your Grandma's house.
There's an awesome looking birthday cake in the work office and your friends are almost forcing you to have a slice. Remember, birthday cakes aren't going anywhere. They're not a sacred food that you can't find in all supermarkets. Just politely decline and save that piece of cake for the next time (your birthday!)
If you are craving something sweet then why not snack on a piece of fruit which might help your craving and will keep your hunger at bay.
I hope you enjoyed this week's post and if you have any questions or blog requests you an always message on Instagram @thecurvecoach