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Gyms re-opened last year...and we've never looked back

As a female personal trainer, I can honestly say there wasn't anyone more excited than me when gyms reopened last April.

It's not very often I right blogs or Instagram posts about how proud I am as a female personal trainer and how proud I am of my clients of making the best comeback ever.

I wanted to take this blog post and look at some of my client's achievements. This blog post will cover

  • What is a transformation

  • The far

  • What are the benefits of doing a transformation

  • Tips on how to succeed a transformation

  • Finding your transformation with The Curve Coach

What is a transformation?

Having a transformation with The Curve Coach is much more than a before and after collage.

For some clients, it's a confidence boost and to push themselves to their limit, for other clients it may be to fit into a wedding dress or they want to look their best before they hit a milestone birthday.

Many of my clients, and I know they'll agree with me here, will gain so much for confidence undergoing a transformation with The Curve Coach.

A lot of clients who train with me may not have followed a training plan before or maybe some have and their plan that they were following before was not realistic or achievable which can knock your confidence in the gym floor.

After a few weeks of training with me you'll become a lot more confident and more importantly, educated. I like to feed as much information as possible to my clients, providing resources and guides to help keep you on track and the term 'transformation' almost never gets mentioned because we look at it as a lifestyle change.

The thought of a photoshoot in the gym may sound daunting at first, but once you have seen your new body you will be owning that camera like a superstar.

The body transformations so far

So we're now a year since gyms reopened, (where did the time go?!) so I thought I'd shout from the rooftops about some of my clients hard work over the past 12 months.

Now a transformation is not a one size fits all. Some of the ladies in these images have been working with me for years, some are a matter of weeks. We'll discuss further down in this blog a little bit more about your personal transformation plan.

This year my clients have absolutely smashed their goals and more. From wanting to fit into a wedding dress to just wanting to push their mental strength to the limit, my clients have made me ever so proud. You can view more of my transformation superstars in my Transformation Gallery

Now it's not easy.

But if you are thinking of undergoing a body transformation like the pictures in the above then keep reading.

What are the benefits of a body transformation?

As mentioned it's not only a physical challenge but it is also a mental test too. Some of the benefits of a body transformation include:

  • Changing your body shape: so many of my clients say at the end of their transformation they never thought or knew they would have abs. If you've got 'weak shoulders' or a 'flat bum' (my clients exact words) then rest assured I will make sure by the end of your plan your body shape or strength will be completely different.

  • Changing your diet habits: now I can coach your curves as much as I can on the gym floor but it is down to you to choose what you put into your body. Don't worry if you're reading this and thinking 'where the hell would I start with that?', I will give you plenty of nutritional information and guidelines about your diet plans along the way, whether you're carnivore, vegan, gluten intolerant etc. You'll soon start to familiarise and become a Curve Coach junior on what foods you should be putting in your body.

  • Makes you more active: if you're someone who thinks their Fitbit or Apple Watch is just something to show off to your work colleagues then you are wrong. A transformation with The Curve Coach will have you much more active than your typical average day. You'll soon start to change your views on your activity levels.

  • Boosts self-esteem: Seeing the physical changes in my clients is amazing but seeing their confidence levels and self-esteem boost to another level is incredibly rewarding. My clients who were once shy to enter the gym without a friend are smashing their workouts, lifting those weights, wearing that cute crop top they've always wanted to by the end of their transformation plan.

Tips on how to nail a transformation

If you're ready to start or already on a plan for a transformation I've got some handy tips here to help you get off to a good start:

  • Don't lie to your trainer: there's nothing worse than bingeing or falling off track, instead of that salmon you were supposed to have for dinner you ditched for a takeaway. I get it we're only human but don't lie to your food diary or your trainer (trust me, we always find out!). We can help motivate you to get back on track before too much damage has been done, we can also give you alternative food choices for when you get those cravings. It is disappointing when you fall off track but as they say, lying about it only makes things worse!

  • Revise your social calendar: a lot of my clients say the one thing they mostly struggle with is declining events like parties, BBQs, work drinks as they know they won't stay on plan. Have a look to see if you can switch that meal out with your old work friend for a healthy picnic and scenic walk so it doesn't feel like you're missing out too much.

  • Invest in comfy trainers: I wasn't kidding about those steps. If you're trainers are on their way out then invest in a comfortable pair of smart walking trainers to avoid injury...and downtime out from getting their steps.

  • Don't step on the scales: This is quite an important one. Try not to fixate on the numbers on the scale too much. We aren't looking at weight loss we are looking at transformation which involves building muscle as well as losing body fat - something which your standard bathroom scales can't monitor.

  • Take before and after pictures: set yourself a reminder every Monday mornings to take a picture once a week. Make sure you're wearing the same clothes in each picture, in the same spot and same lighting. You may not see obvious differences week on week but be patient and keep putting the work in.

Finding your transformation plan

No clients' goals is the same and no transformation plan is the same either. So if you think you're ready for a complete body change then you can contact me by hitting the button below:

if you want to do some further reading before contacting The Curve Coach, then view some useful blog posts below which will give you some further insight.

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