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Is a transformation right for you?

Gym transformations have become extremely popular in recent years, but is a gym transformation right for you? Although many people wish they could look like those at the end of a transformation, most don’t have the mental resilience required to go through the process.


You already know the saying but I'll say it again. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. You will not get anywhere in your transformation if you do not prepare. And, I’m not just talking about physical preparation, but mentally too.

There are a few things you need to ask yourself before you commit to undertaking a transformation:

Do I have the time to dedicate to this?

Am I prepared to turn down other things for it?

Am I willing to put my maximum effort into this?

Only when you’ve asked yourself these questions can you really know if you are prepared to take yourself to the next level. However, you do also need to be physically ready. This means planning your training a week ahead so you know you’ve got time to fit it in. You will need to prepare your food in advance. Not only do you need to ensure that you are within your calories each day, but you also don’t want to be caught out and forced to eat high calorie, low nutrient foods when you’re out and about and you don’t have your own food available.


You won’t get results overnight. You won’t even get results in a couple of weeks. Going through a transformation takes time, and usually a lot of it. You need to get comfortable with being patient and not expecting to see what you want because you’ve been consistent for a week.

It can be tempting to see other people’s results on social media and in the gym and compare your journey to theirs, but this will only interfere with your own transformation. Firstly, you have no idea whether or not the transformation is accurate in terms of timing or if the photos have been edited.


The first two points are equally important, but being consistent is by far the most important trait when it comes to going through a transformation. You need to be prepared and dedicated, but if you can’t consistently do these two things then you will not get the results you want.

The thing that separates the people that can and cannot do a transformation is consistency. It’s easy to be motivated, have a goal and begin, but it’s the drive to keep going every single day that you need. Going through a transformation is all about ticking boxes, each day you need to make sure you:

  • Do the workout you need to do

  • Stick to your calorie goal

  • Eat an optimal amount of protein

  • Consistently move enough each day

Without this push to do the same things day in day out, you will not get results. Want to know if you’re ready for a transformation? Get in touch today.

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